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Callout: Parents, are you applying for the LA GATOR Scholarship?

Support Through Your Will

A will allows you to leave funds, real estate, and other property to your family and friends, and also to charities like WWNO whose work you value.  A bequest is a gift, made through your will, that recipients will receive after your death. A bequest is one the simplest ways for people to make a substantial, lasting gift to support WWNO in the future.

WWNO encourages you to obtain the assistance of an estate planning attorney when preparing your will to help ensure that the will is written properly to carry out your intentions.  While you determine what goes into your will, your attorney will make sure it is an acceptable legal statement of your intentions.

The following sample language is suggested for use by you and your attorney to make a bequest to WWNO. It is meant to be used only with the advice of your attorney. We also encourage you to discuss your intentions with WWNO staff before executing your will in order to ensure that WWNO will be able to carry out your wishes.

“I give and bequeath to The University of New Orleans Foundation, a 501(c)(3) qualified charitable organization whose role is to accept, manage, and disburse funds in support of the University of New Orleans (UNO), [the sum of $______________] or [_______ percent of my residuary estate] [the following property_________________] to be used to support the work of New Orleans Public Radio and radio stations 89.9 FM WWNO, Classical 104.9 FM, or 90.5 KTLN."

There are numerous options that merit consideration when making a bequest to WWNO or any charitable organization. Please discuss your intentions with WWNO staff in advance to ensure that WWNO understands and can carry out your wishes:

Ronald Biava, WWNO Development and Marketing Manager, (504) 280-7001, ron@wwno.org.

The information provided here is not intended as, nor should it be construed as, legal, tax, or investment advice. For such advice, we urge you to consult an attorney, tax professional, or investment professional.