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Katrina: The Debris // Green Dot

Bring New Orleans Back Commission
Urban Land Institute
Bring New Orleans Back Commission Urban Planning Committee -- Action Plan for New Orleans: The New American City, Jan. 11, 2006.

The first comprehensive map for rebuilding New Orleans came out in early 2006, about six months after the flood. Saying it was highly anticipated would be an understatement. On it, some symbols that appeared as a death knell for some neighborhoods: green dots.

Credit Project Hope
Broadmoor's Rosa F. Keller Library reopened in 2012, complete with the Green Dot Cafe. The neighborhood was located in a green dot, meaning it was slated not to be redeveloped after the 2005 floods.

To New Orleans native Wendell Pierce, star of The Wire and Treme — and to thousands of others — those dots meant: "your neighborhood is not welcomed back." Meet a woman who helped bring back her Green Dot neighborhood of Broadmoor, with help from her mailman.

Check out a Green Dot zone in New Orleans East that still longs for basic services and retail to return, even though it's regained sizable population.

And, an urban planner talks about lessons learned from the Green Dot debacle, and how the plan that sprung from its ashes broke new ground in community participation.

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