With the 56th GRAMMY Awards this weekend, it's time to consider the business of music. Artist royalties, mechanical royalties, revenue streams and recording contracts have been the bread-and-butter of Scott Aiges.

He's managed musicians (Astral Project, The Continental Drifters, and Royal Fingerbowl to name just three) through the years and he teaches the business of music at Tulane. For awhile he was a music critic at The Times-Picayune. And he's even worked in the halls of power, serving as the director of music business development for the City of New Orleans.
He knows the business.
Today, Aiges is the director of Programming, Marketing and Communications for the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival and Foundation.
(The Foundation supports Music Inside Out through a competitive grant.)
And before you say "What's this got to do with me?" allow us to suggest that there's plenty for the casual music lover to understand about how the music business works these days. And Scott Aiges is the perfect person to guide us through the spreadsheets and contract language of the biz.
We have much more for you at the Music Inside Out website, including the "Crazy" Cage Match, a playlist for today's program, the Macklemore paradigm shift, and WEB EXTRA audio with Scott Aiges detailing some practical steps for new artists trying to make it in the business.
Visit us online, anytime, at MusicInsideOut.org.