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The Listening Post & The Trace Ask: What's Recovery Like After Being Shot?

Derrick Strong reads to children at the Gentilly Community Center of Hope.
Thomas Walsh
Thomas Walsh
Derrick Strong reads to children at the Gentilly Community Center of Hope.

The toll of America’s gun violence epidemic is usually measured in lives lost — more than 33,000 each year. Ignored, almost completely, are the many more people who survive a gun shot. 

This month The Listening Post collaborated with The Trace, a nonprofit news organization focused on gun issues, to find out what life is like for people recovering from a gunshot. We wanted to hear from survivors and have them participate in a survey. Here's a couple questions we asked:  

1) Have you survived a gunshot injury, or have family or friends who have? What happened? 

2) How's life different after being shot? 

3) What's recovery like after being shot? What's the hardest part?

Visit Listeningpostnola.com to see a complete list of responses from our monthly survey. Here's a sample: 

1)    Yes a friend. Someone Rob & shot him. He only had 10.00 on him. So sad how people steal and hurt people for nothing. He would have gave anyone 10.00 if they ask. Dr. bills he have to pay out his pocket for someone else dumb choice. He lose his job due to being in the hospital too long. And meds he have to take now. Getting shot for nothing, lost job & have to take meds now. It's really hard to recover after the shooting. 

2)        Yes I was shot by my X's Step Dad, he got mad cause the youngest daughter told him to get off the phone, it Truly Changed my life ~ My daughter was a month away from being born it really made us closer, And now I'm scared when I see ppl who look like him, REDNECKS ~ All this white power shit worries me will one of these Ppl Shot me cause I disagree with them, I definitely have post dramatic stress The Hardest part is the memory of it, but recovery is having Great Family and friends. 

3)        My fiancée was shot in Baton Rouge several years ago, and the friend she was with was killed. Crime is a huge reason why I moved away from NO. [After this I’m] terrified at loud noises, lingering PTSD symptoms, lots of fear. Getting back to normal is the hardest part.

4)        No, I live in a bubble of privilege. I am a white, middle class homeowner who hasn't been shot. The hardest part is living in a city that doesn't support the most vulnerable among us. We'd rather victim blame and try to incarcerate and arrest our way out of solving real issues

The Listening Post project seeks to establish a two-way conversation with the citizens of New Orleans. Participants can both contribute thoughts and commentary about important issues in their neighborhoods, and also receive news and information important to local communities. Join the conversation by calling or texting "Hello" to (504) 303-4348.

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Thomas Walsh is an independent radio producer and audio engineer who lives in New Orleans. You'll see him around town recording music, podcasts, short films, live events and radio features. He's practically glued to his headphones. A movie geek to his core, he's seen every film listed on the American Film Institute's 100 Years...100 Movies and would love to talk to you about them.

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