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Final Round Of LA SAFE Meetings Kick Off

Residents gather at tables at a recent LA SAFE meeting.

Louisiana’s Coastal Master plan focuses on restoring and protecting the coast: Building levees, marshes and land. But even with those investments, the state still expects to deal with flooding in the future. Many communities are still going to have to figure out how adapt for the long term.


The state has a program that’s tasked with addressing all that. It’s called LA SAFE — and they’ve got about $40 million to invest in coastal projects.


Over the last couple of months, LA SAFE has been holding community meetings in six coastal parishes — Plaquemines, Lafourche, Terrebonne, St. John the Baptist, Jefferson and St. Tammany. The final round of meetings kicks off Wednesday in Houma.



WWNO’s Travis Lux sat down with Mat Sanders from LA SAFE to talk about the program.

You can find a full list of meeting locations and times at lasafe.la.gov.

Funding for the Coastal Desk comes from the Walton Family Foundation, the Coypu Foundation, the Greater New Orleans Foundation, and local listeners.

As Coastal Reporter, Travis Lux covers flood protection, coastal restoration, infrastructure, the energy and seafood industries, and the environment. In this role he's reported on everything from pipeline protests in the Atchafalaya swamp, to how shrimpers cope with low prices. He had a big hand in producing the series, New Orleans: Ready Or Not?, which examined how prepared New Orleans is for a future with more extreme weather. In 2017, Travis co-produced two episodes of TriPod: New Orleans at 300 examining New Orleans' historic efforts at flood protection. One episode, NOLA vs Nature: The Other Biggest Flood in New Orleans History, was recognized with awards from the Public Radio News Directors and the New Orleans Press Club. His stories often find a wider audience on national programs, too, like NPR's Morning Edition, WBUR's Here and Now, and WHYY's The Pulse.

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